The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) is a regulatory framework in Brazil and came to regulate the processing of personal data, providing greater security, transparency, responsibility and complying with principles such as purpose and necessity. The mission of this law is to protect fundamental rights such as privacy, free development, personality and freedom. And it guarantees rights such as consent to the use of your data.
Our law was based on GDPR, a European and paradigmatic law on data protection.
61% of the 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer respondents indicated that they felt the pace of change in technology was too fast.
A private company that violates the LGPD can be fined up to 2% of its sales.
Since 2018 (year of approval of the Law) our team has been specializing in advising clients on:
• LGPD training with changes brought about by the law
• Implementation of LGPD in your company;
• Evaluation and review of the privacy policy;
• Comparison of GDPR with LGPD for multinationals and companies interested in expanding the market.